Here is a new "Dame de Coeur", this time in bright red double gauze fabric!
It was the first time I had sewn double gauze... At first, of course, I was skeptical: double gauze?? That thing that looks like baby nappies?? and we would make clothes out of it? for adults too?? No but anything!!
And then, I discovered some pretty creations, in particular those of Alice alias "the monkey cushion"... It made me want to get started! So I ordered a few coupons from Ma petite mercerie, notably this magnificent bright red... And I made a new "Dame de Coeur" from it, just as perfect for breastfeeding ;-)
I also used Liberty Mirabelle, which goes so well with the red I think...
For the knot, I cut the pattern in two lengthwise, to make a Liberty band and a double gauze band... In this case, you have to remember to add the seam allowances on the one side.
For the sleeves, I used the 3/4 length, and added 5 cm, so that I could return the end of the sleeves from time to time to reveal the Liberty ;-):
Here is the blouse seen from the back (extremely sober, without piping or anything!):
Some pictures of the blouse worn:
"Lady of Hearts" pattern, size 38.
"Double Red Gauze Bisous" fabric from Ma petite mercerie. I used about 130 cm of fabric...
3/4 sleeves, extended by 5 cm.
My opinion on the double gauze fabric
It's very easy to sew: I was a little apprehensive about the fact that it was very flexible, in particular for rounded hems, but actually no problem...
The fabric is not transparent at all (unlike swaddle fabric), and above all it's super comfortable to wear... A little warm for the height of summer, and perfect for the spring/autumn seasons...
THE TUTORIAL: doubling the yoke
I take this opportunity to show you a new technique for fitting the yoke lining without any visible seams... It's called "the burrito technique"! !! (for the class name, we'll come back huh!)
Indeed, in the booklet, I chose another technique, that of sheath sewing, but it's not easy to illustrate. There, it seems easier to understand, and just as effective!
Start by spreading the back in front of you, right side towards you, unfolding the 2 yokes well to see them both:
You will now roll the back and the outer yoke over themselves, as in the photo below:
Fold over the lining yoke (here in Liberty), and pin it with the top of your sausage (!):
You can now sew by taking the 2 layers well; and you'll end up with this:
All you have to do is turn the work right side up by one of the free sides, and miraculously:
Your lining yoke is well sewn, and above all there are no visible seams!
Feel free to send me pictures of your beautiful creations (contact@chutcharlotte.com), or to "tag" me on social networks!
#patrondamedecoeur #chutcharlotte @chutcharlotte
To see all the Ladies of Hearts made, it's here:
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Have a nice weekend,
Merci de me dire combien est pris en euros de supplement
Peux t on Savoir a l avanve le montant debite ou pou ons nous adresser un cheque
C est une excellente idée je trouve!
C’est super, je vais vite l’essayer. Merci
Cette technique est Magique !
Je viens de la tester un bonheur tant c’est simple. Mille mercis Charlotte ?