Since the launch of my first sewing patterns, I have had several requests from seamstresses wanting to sell clothes made from these patterns, and at the same time from customers who do not know how to sew wanting to buy the products finished...
I said to myself that we had to find a solution to satisfy everyone!
Normally, the patterns of independent designers are reserved for private use... But I would like to go beyond this use, and connect seamstresses and clients interested in my patterns.
In concrete terms, how does it work?
I have set up a licensing system for commercial use.
So, of course, if you buy one of my patterns to make it privately ( for you, your mom's birthday, a friend...), no need to buy the license! As long as there is no commercialization (or, to speak trivially, exchange of money), no license is necessary...
But if you want to sell clothes made from my bosses (which normally isn't allowed), there you will now be able to!
I offer 2 types of licenses:
- 1 license sold individually (€1.90) which allows you to sell 1 item of clothing made from from one of my patterns (the one of your choice)
- 1 pack of 10 licenses (€14) to make and sell 10 garments (by mixing several patterns if you want!)
You can then sell your creations and communicate about them on social networks or your website.
I just ask you to mention "design or boss Chut Charlotte" if you sell your creation on the Internet ;-)
And since the main objective is to connect seamstresses and non-seamstresses, I will create an official list of seamstresses Shh Charlotte, for that you can easily be contacted!
The idea is really to create a kind of "community", with people who like the style of my creations, and where everyone can find happiness : the one who doesn't know how to sew but dreams of wearing a "Lady of heart" blouse, the one who would like to order a procession of "Mademoiselle" dresses for her wedding, and those who know how to sew, like my models and want to earn a little money with...
And in doing so, you are helping me by supporting my creative work, and therefore allowing me to make new patterns for you!
What to do once the license has been purchased?
- Don't forget to send me all your contact details to appear in the list of professional seamstresses (name, Facebook page, Instagram, website, blog etc)...
- Don't forget to come to share your achievements on our social networks!
On Chut Charlotte's FACEBOOK page: http://www.facebook.com/ChutCharlotte/
On INSTAGRAM , by tagging your achievements #chutcharlotte #teamchutcharlotte and the name of the boss (#patronmademoiselle #patrondamedecoeur ...)
You can also send me photos of your creations by email (contact@chutcharlotte.com) so that I can include them in the various photo albums.
I hope you like this idea of Chut Charlotte community, and will open up lots of possibilities for you all!
Happy sewing and see you soon,
Vos patrons sont ils déposés ? Propriété intellectuelle des patrons ?
Merci pour cette superbe initiative. J’adore coudre, j’ai envie de proposer de beaux vêtements made in France, grâce à vous cela va pouvoir devenir réalité
Bonsoir. Un système d’étiquette est il vendu à l’achat des licences ?
D’un point de vu suivi cela me semble plus simple et pouvoir mettre en valeur le créateur du patron me semble indispensable.
Qu en est il ? Merci pour votre réponse 😊
Vraiment géniale ton idée !!! J’ai vraiment envie de coudre pour les “autres” et leur faire plaisir avec des modèles de créatrices indépendantes françaises… c’est justement ce qu’il me fallait ;)
Medci pour cette bonne nouvelle j adhère j adore meme bravo Chut Charlotte