Tips for sewing leather + Idea next CHALLENGE

Following a mad desire to empty my workshop, I put some pieces of leather and Liberty coupons on sale in my shop. And there, we came close to hysteria! So I realized that you love Liberty (we already knew that), but also that you dream of sewing leather! (I didn't know that much)...
So I put back some pretty leathers on sale in the e-shop, funny leathers like neon (real neon!!), but also powder pink and a very beautiful duck blue that goes exactly with the mint Mitsi...
A few pictures to show you:

The duck blue leather & the mint Mitsi:

Cuir Bleu CanardNeons:

Cuirs FluosSome combination ideas ;-)

Associations Cuir Liberty

Cuirs & Liberty_Chut CharlotteTo find the leather coupons still available, go to here.

* * *

So there you go, since I realize that you are interested in sewing leather, I thought I could share with you some tips and tricks.

Already, what you need to sew leather:
- Special leather needles
It's important, because these needles will pierce leather differently than for fabric.
You can find it in most haberdasheries online or in stores.

- A teflon foot
In order for your foot to slide well on the leather, it is best to have a special foot, called a teflon foot. It will also be very useful for you to sew coated canvas, imitation leather, in short all materials that "adhere" to the foot...
Otherwise, a solution cheap : slip between the leather and the classic foot a sheet of parchment paper (the one used to cook your quiche in the oven!), or tissue paper. The foot will slide much better, and you will breathe again.
2 drawbacks to this solution, however, cheap:
- you won't see very well where you are sewing... it can be annoying...
- then you have to patiently remove the pieces of parchment paper once the seam is done. By gently pulling on it, it comes easily, but there are always micro-pieces that you have to pick up with a pair of pliers, for example.

- To start, choose fairly fine leather, or even lambskin: you'll almost feel like you're sewing fabric!

With a good classic sewing machine, and these few tips, you should easily get by!

Some additional articles to learn more about the subject:
- "Sewing leather" at Petit Citron
- "Leather sewing tips" on the Thread & Needles forum

There are also a ton of books on the subject, and I can come back to tell you about them if you're interested, but in the meantime I can recommend the very nice book by Mélanie Voituriez, Little Nothings in leather, which will certainly make you want to get into it...

Petis riens en cuir

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And now, I need your advice, dear seamstresses!!

1/ A regular column of advice for sewing leather, with the various nice books that exist on the subject, possibly interviews: would you be interested or not at all?

2/ Are you up for a COUTURE CHALLENGE around leather????
I could organize it for the end of April or in May, so that we have time talk, get ready etc... I already have an idea for a tutorial to make you want to get started!!

So then?? your opinions ?? Thank you in advance, I can't wait to read you!!!

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