In love with Liberty... (new in the shop!!)

You probably already know this: I'm a big fan of Liberty fabrics. I love their finesse, the delicacy of their designs, their colors...
Some time ago, I put some of my leather and Liberty coupons on sale in my shop , wanting to make some space in my shelves. I realized that, like me, you love leather and Liberty!

Since then, while still offering some of my creations, I've been adding everything on my site that makes a seamstress worthy of the name happy! : beautiful materials, fabrics that make you dream, leather hard to find, iridescent, colourful, classic, metallic... A few music box mechanisms also... basket cotton fabrics, very solid, to make bags or decorative accessories...
In short, I fill my shop quietly, and well, I have fun good!

Especially since...since this week...a new category has appeared on the site: LIBERTY FABRICS! Yes yes !! I won't tell you about the absolute happiness and hysteria that overwhelmed me when I opened my box, straight from London... I'll show you a photo, you'll understand better:

Liberty_Chut Charlotte

Liberty_Chut Charlotte (2)So that doesn't speak to you anymore, doesn't it??

So here is an overview of what you can find in the shop:

From Wiltshire (a classic that I love):

Liberty WiltshireCoral Glenjade and coral Capel, perfectly matched:

Liberty Capel + Glenjade CorailLe Capel Corail:

Liberty Capel CorailCapel Turquoise too:

Liberty Capel Turquoise3 colors of Liberty Glenjade:

Liberty Glenjade4 colors of D'Anjo:

Liberty DAnjo

There are also Betsys of course:

Liberty Betsy springtime and cheerful Poppy & Daisy: Liberty P&Dand a pattern that we know little about but which caught my eye: the pink Lagos Laurel...

Liberty Lagos Laurel

To see everything, click here!

And now I need your help!
Could you tell me:
- what is your favorite pattern or color(s)??
- which do you think I should add urgently??
Thank you for your review!!

* * *

I take advantage of this message to remind you that the challenge "I'll get your skin, big cow", it's is Wednesday !!! Don't forget to send me a photo of your creation! And if you want to join us, of course, there's still time...!

Défi Cuir Mai 2015_Chut Charlotte

See you soon!

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