OUR TIPS for Sewing your 1st Swimsuit!!!🎉👙💪
Contrary to popular belief, sewing your swimsuit isn't that difficult...
All you need is the right material and the right techniques!
1/ Choosing the Right Fabric
Lycra Spandex, elastic in both directions, and preferably not transparent!
Use a special swimsuit fabric , so that it is chlorine and UV resistant.
For the lining: foam fabric is ideal!
To be sure to make the right choice, read our article "Where to buy special swimwear fabrics" by clicking here!
2/ Serger or Sewing Machine?
Good news: you can sew your jersey with a classic sewing machine !
Besides, that's what we made for our swimsuit prototypes at the workshop!
Just use the right stitches (see next point).
But if you have a serger, it will be even easier and faster ;-)
It's up to you!
3/ Points to Use
Use STRETCH STITCH on your sewing machine:
- the flash point for assembly
- the flash stitch or the zigzag stitch for visible seams.
4/ Equipping [equipment]
- The needles
Use a jersey or stretch needle, and a twin needle stretch for your double topstitching.
- The Yarn
Choose quality thread!
The little extra: use a cress thread in the bobbin to preserve the elasticity.
- The Crowbar
If you have a TEFLON FOOT, it's ideal!
If not, you can use
5/ Choosing the Right Boss
Choose a timeless pattern, which offers several variations (different necklines, more or less high-cut bottoms, more or less sexy necklines, etc.) to be sure of find the perfect combination for you!
We randomly recommend our Swimsuit patterns, which range from size 34 to size 56 and offer lots of versions!
--> SAINT-MALO pattern: 1 piece
--> CAPRI bikini: 2 pieces
And for the children: the COCONUT jersey !
6/ Join The Hush Club
In June, we sewed Swimsuits(that rhymes!!) in Club Hush!
Access all the VIDEO TUTORIALS of the patterns already sewn in the Club, and those of the SAINT-MALO Jersey!
Take part in our Sewing Lives to improve your skills and have fun at the same time!
So, are you up for the challenge??
You will of course find all this information and our advice in the booklets of the Patterns "Saint-Malo', "Bikini Capri" and "Coconut" (for children), but we also wanted to share them with you here!
We hope this will help you, and reassure you to get started!
↪️ TELL US in the comments if you have already sewn a swimsuit or if you want to sew one for yourself. ..
We can't wait to read you!
Happy summer, and happy sewing!
Je n’en ai encore jamais cousu mais cette année je vais me lancer. Je note donc les bons conseils, merci !