My Shock Team!

Mon Equipe de Choc !

I present to you MY SHOCK TEAM !!!!
How lucky I am to work with these inspiring, passionate and talented young women!! !

This happy team was built in a few months: less than a year ago, I was still alone at the helm of "Chut"....

How about I introduce you to who is behind my little brand?🤗

We are now 5 at the workshop, all based in Bali!

. Camille takes care of customer service, launches and partnerships.
She loves croque-monsieur and sometimes has doubts about the fabrics I bring back to the workshop ("but you like this Charlotte fabric?😳")
Ah yes, we call her "Camille Kondo" since she revolutionized the storage of fabrics in the workshop! (now all rolled Marie Kondo style)

. Iin: transform our patterns into pretty PDFs (A0, A4, with or without layers...) and know how to sing "Papaoutai" by Stromae!🎤
(see our karaoke outing a few weeks ago 😉)
She speaks Indonesian and English (and has been learning French for a few weeks!)

. Leslie: takes care of the photos and videos (in particular the tutorials for Club Chut) and likes funny scenes.
Leslie is a fan of animals: that's good, at the workshop, there's always one hanging around 😺...

. Alexandra, pattern designer, joined us at the beginning of the year, and is working on the next patterns and illustrations.
She's a great traveler ✈️, who also loves karaoke!

. Charlotte, the founder, manages this happy team singing "Crazyyy" 🎶

PS: in the photos, we are all wearing COMBI BARDOT!

It was for our delirium around the Spice Girls (we still have to shoot our mini clip by the way!!!📹)

I hope you enjoyed this little presentation!!🤗If yes, TELL US IN COMMENT!!

We kiss you 🥰
Charlotte and the whole team

* * *

Where to find us?

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  • Hello la team Chut Charlotte !
    Vous êtes vraiment canons les filles 😍 Merci merci pour tous ces beaux patrons qui m’ont permis de tenir le coup depuis 1 an, sans vous je crois que sans bosser j’aurais complètement déprimé. Les magasins de tissus autour de chez moi vous remercient également 😉 Continuez comme ça.
    Des bises

    Gaëlle GUIHO on
  • Hello les filles🥰
    Voys êtes au top du top j’adore ces clubs et suis ravie d’en faire partie😍
    Bisous à la team

    sylvie orange on
  • Bonjour à vous toutes. C’est un réel plaisir d’être dans le club chut. Je vous souhaite le meilleur

    Stefani Gisèle on
  • Belle et formidable équipe de choc!..
    Continuez à nous concocter de superbes patrons.
    Bravo et merciiiiii à vous toutes.

    Breil on
  • Bonjour l equipe de choc
    Grâce à vous j ai enfin osé me lancer dans les vêtements et maintenant je n en acheté plus je les FAIS
    Merci à vous
    Merci de votre bonne humeur egalement

    Véronique fougere on

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