SCHOOLS CLOSED from Monday: how to survive?
I know, I know, normally I talk about COUTURE in my posts. No news. And even less Coronavirus.
But there, I sensed a certain distress among all the parents of school children...
On Monday, the schools will be closed. And our hysterical toddlers confined to the house...
(In Bali too, that's what awaits us!)
As I am neither a doctor nor a journalist specializing in pandemics, I am not going to tell you to wash your hands or stay cloistered at home.
I'm just going to give you a silly piece of advice, but one that could save your morale for the next few weeks: get out your sewing machine and SEW my friends!!!
And for your children (because they will have to be kept busy, all the same):
- the little ones will have to do "sorting buttons, piping and bias binding" by color
- the older ones will repeat their multiplication tables with the buttons already sorted
- and the teenagers will draw pretty models to sew in the coming days!
And if they're not happy, we send them to prepare signs for their next family event...
In the meantime, THANK YOU for being calm, polite, and for letting mum / auntie / good mum / nanny Jenny move forward on her next dress / blouse / jacket (cross out the useless mentions).
Really, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU kids.
We'll pay you back.
(you can also promise an outing to Disneyland with all-you-can-eat ice cream and fries as soon as the Coro-trick has calmed down... Yes, even if you don't.
Everything is allowed in case crisis, they will forgive you)
I send you lots of positive vibes and wish you lots of nice moments with your family, and in front of your sewing machine!
See you soon,
PS: obviously, this post is above all intended to be light and humorous and I hope to bring you a little bubble of freshness in our stressful daily lives... But far be it from me to minimize the consequences of this damn virus or making fun of the people directly affected...
But you already know that ;-)
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