A Liberty shelf, another awash in leathers of all colors; coils; wires on the floor; bag prototypes everywhere... A real Ali Baba's cave, and a big bazaar too, often, it must be said! (Fortunately, Ornella loves tidying up and sorting, I'm lucky!)
A few photos taken like this, on the spot, to bring you into our world a little: You now know the whole team, with Léa, who is doing her Terminale internship with us; Ornella, who joined me almost a year ago; and Laury, a former trainee who works at the workshop until Christmas!
Léa in full storage of Liberty Falls... There are a lot of them! :
Well, that was before the crazy session around the Ponchos... I'll give you some!
We hope you enjoyed our little report behind the scenes of the workshop!
See you soon!
Désolée écriture automatique , renEignements sur vos ponchos et le prix merci
Bonjour j aimerai savoir si vous faites toujours vos pionçais , en quelle couleur , taille et Liberty , je vous remercie Adelaide Bannes